Standards We Share as
Disciples of Christ

I worship the one God.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the one true God.
God is the Creator of the Universe, Earth and Man.

The Old Covenant.

The First Covenant began with Abraham and extended to His seed.
God gave Moses the Law, which is perfect.
The Law requires all lawbreakers to die and thus leads people to salvation described in the New Covenant because we are all lawbreakers.

The New Covenant.

God sent Jesus, His Son.
Jesus was born of a virgin, fully God and fully man, yet without sin.
Jesus, our Savior, came as a perfect lamb to save us by taking the punishment of death prescribed by the Law.
God raised Him from death.

Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life, the only way to the Father.
Jesus knew my name when I was in my mother’s womb and calls me to live for Him.
By grace through faith I experience His salvation by answering His call, making Jesus my Savior and Lord.

At salvation I am reconciled to God by receiving Jesus’ payment for the wrongs I’ve done.
I am adopted as a child of God and have eternal life.

The Kingdom.

When I experience salvation, I die with Christ.
I am transferred from the kingdom of darkness to His Kingdom of peace and righteousness.
I become part of Him, His bride and a citizen of the Kingdom.

In the beginning, God created us male and female and established marriage between male and female.
I am faithful in marriage and I care for my family.
I gather with and love other Christ-followers as the family of God.
We love others, teaching all things Jesus commanded and extend salvation so others can be transferred into the Kingdom of God.

The Spirit and the Word.

Jesus is the Word of God.
God’s Word is perfect.
I feed on the Word and commit myself to Biblical literacy, learning and faithfully following His teachings and defending Truth.
I welcome God, the Holy Spirit, as the Comforter and Guide Christ gives.

The One Baptism.

I have been baptized into Christ by faith, making Him Lord.
I choose to die to myself and live for Christ, yielding myself, my time, money and resources to Him.
I cannot serve God and myself, money or any other thing.

I cannot consider myself on the path to Heaven when living unrepentantly, doing wrong things.
I recognize I have been forgiven and forgive, fulfilling the ministry of reconciliation that He calls us to.

I welcome the Holy Spirit to immerse me-providing His power to live a righteous life of love, peace & holiness, & to witness & to be fruitful serving others with the gifts God has given me.

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Also See:

These standards help us live harmoniously in relationship to one another. These standards are the on anothers from scripture.

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